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Engineering Machinery

NHI’s engineering machinery is wildly used in construction, hydro power, power, road, mining, port, urban rail transportation and national defense, mainly divided into boring machinery, pavement construction machinery, concrete machinery and excavating machinery, including TBM, hard rock boring machine, coal mine boring machine, snow remover, concrete mixer and multi-bucket excavator.

县级市| 新宁县| 望奎县| 抚顺市| 文昌市| 磐安县| 松阳县| 武穴市| 翁源县| 巴青县| 石阡县| 麟游县| 京山县| 孝义市| 章丘市| 文登市| 化州市| 丹东市| 麻城市| 营口市| 泰宁县| 沁水县| 武城县| 夏河县| 固安县| 义马市| 翼城县| 台山市| 庄浪县| 鲁甸县| 平昌县| 花垣县| 石首市| 独山县| 荆门市| 祁东县| 永定县| 抚州市| 米泉市| 东阿县| 建水县|